4 Benches, a Magpost and an Information Board
The Trustees of the Watercress Way are delighted to announce that on Monday 24 April 2023 we have brought a long standing project to completion.
We were given a grant by Alresford Rotary as part of a legacy from Mike and Bridget Newitt. They were Alresford residents with a strong interest in the natural world. The work was delayed by the pandemic and then the difficulty in obtaining suitable wood. We will erect a plaque on each bench to recognise their donation. We will also include a QR linked to birdsong appropriate to the site.
We are pleased that Prospect Fencing were able to supply us with benches of French Oak and then install them for us. I am sure you will agree that they have done an excellent job and the benches will be very helpful to walkers who can have a short rest to enjoy the views.
At Worthy Down Halt near Kings Worthy we have installed a bench with views over the platform. In addition, we have installed a magpost for children to have a closer look at anything interesting that they find while their parents gratefully sit on the bench. Our other magpost in the Gratton at Sutton Scotney is very popular.
In Martyr Worthy, we have installed an additional two benches on the “Straight Mile” of railway track. There are now five benches along this section to allow access for those who find a shorter walk more appropriate. The two new ones are at Bridgets Lane bridge and at the clearing near Couch Green. This section is part of our focus on Access for All and we have a long term project to provide a wheelchair ramp to this section from the Couch Green car park.
The fourth bench is near the Eel House in Alresford. It enables you to stop a moment and enjoy the sight and sounds of the River Arle. This is a poplar walk with local residents and the Eel House is a very rare building. It is believed there is only one other similar building in the country. http://www.towntrust.org.uk/eel_house.htm.
On 5 May we were able to install an Information Board outside one of the pill boxes on the Kings Worthy section south of Worthy Down Halt. This had been planned to commemorate the 75th Anniversary of VE Day in 2020. However, Covid and the possibility of bats using the pill box intervened. We are grateful to Sam Baker and Meghan Cledwyn of HCC who have supported us in completing this project. We would also like to thank Kim Adams, former trustee, and Michael Edwards of Worthys Local History Group, for much of the historical information. Please enjoy reading about this part of the Railway Heritage as you enjoy a walk along the old railway line.
Mike Collis, Secretary, The Watercress Way