Fundraising Quiz at the Sun Hotel, Alresford on Sunday 17 November 2019

We were delighted by the response to our 2nd annual Watercress Way Fundraising Quiz.The Undercroft at the Sun Hotel in Alresford was crowded with 73 people all avidly tackling a varied range of questions.They ranged from picture rounds on film and cartoon dogs and the location of tourist attractions in England and Wales to sets of 10 questions on such topics as Italy, Bones of the body and music.We wish to thank the 23 generous sponsors who donated raffle prizes.The evening flowed thanks to the excellent work of Quiz Master Terry supported by trustees Kim, Jackie, Mike and Kay.The questions were tough but fair and each team got to play a joker round.In the end two teams were tied on 96 points and it needed a tie breaker on the number of bridges in Venice to separate them (400 since you ask).The winners got bottles of wine and the wooden spoon was bags of Amy’s duck feed (safe for feeding the ducks on the nearby river Arle).The quiz and raffle raised £500 and will enable the charity to cover its running expenses for another year.We rely totally on donations from the public, sponsorship from local businesses and grants to fund our projects.Chairman Jackie Porter said “It was great to see so many potential walkers supporting The Watercress Way. It was a superb evening and all enjoyed it. Particular thanks to Kim for organising the event, Terry for setting the questions and the Sun Hotel for hosting the quiz. Without the support of the public we would not have made the enormous progress in developing the route over the last 3 years.”The money will help fund our popular leaflets which are available at many venues around the area, signage for the route and posters advertising our guided walks and the annual Dawn to Dusk Day in April.Lookout for adverts in March for a day which starts at 4.30am with a Dawn Chorus walk and has a variety of activities and walks for all ages throughout the day.Sign up as a Friend of the Line to receive our newsletter advertising our events and updating you on our activities.Donations can be made via our website and it would be great if you could sign up to our Give as You Live page which gives money when you do online shopping.Major Projects in the coming year are:

  • Provision of a new path through Top Field in Kings Worthy following the old railway line and joining two existing sections.
  • Building a ramp at Couch Green for wheel chair access to the flat Martyr Worthy mile of track bed
  • Seeking permission to open up the path from the newly cleared Railway Bridge in Sutton Scotney

Mike CollisSecretary


The 4th Annual General Meeting of The Watercress Way 8 pm 16 June via Zoom


The Watercress Way - End of year Review of activities