Help support the restoration of the Wonston Road Railway Bridge

We're Crowdfunding!

The Watercress Way team is raising funding to support the restoration of the railway bridge on Wonston Road in Sutton Scotney, a potential future section of the route.

Currently, the charity has permission to maintain the area immediately in front and behind the bridge. The aim of this project is to fit new fencing to the front of the bridge and prepare it for future, permanent access as part of the Watercress Way route.

This project is supported by the Winchester City Council who will match donations through the Winchester Communities Positive Change Fund, starting with the first milestone of £500.

Our aims for the project are to:

  • Install discrete, modern fencing across the front to improve local safety

  • Complete additional groundworks under the bridge to improve access ahead of future incorporation into the full route

  • Install new signage to raise awareness of the ecology and heritage of the site

  • Prepare plans to understand and preserve the ecological context of the site

Thank you for your time and generosity!


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