Railway Bridge Cleared at Wonston Road, Sutton Scotney

The railway bridge at Sutton Scotney which used to lead to Sutton Scotney Station has long been closed and was filled with rubble and rubbish.The Trustees have been in negotiation with HCC and the local landowner to open up a footpath along the old railway cutting to link the Gratton to Beggar’s Drove.There is a footpath through the new housing development on the old station site leading from the Gratton to the railway bridge.We are delighted to announce that with the support of a grant from Wonston Parish Council that we have cleared the first section under the bridge.Trustee Jackie Porter says “There is a lot of local support for our plans to open up a further section of the old line. Many residents have fond memories of the railway.This is the first stage of our plan and we will continue discussing our plans with the landowner. In the meantime we intend to improve the ecology of the cleared section.”Five days of hard work by two men and a digger have transformed the area as the photographs show. Unfortunately, it is still not possible to walk under the bridge.However, there is now a clear view from the new gate.Trustee, Tony Langridge, who co-ordinated the work with Wonston Parish Council, said “Everyone says that the changes are impressive.It generated a lot of interest from passers-by who used to use the old railway as well as those who would be delighted to have a new path to access the countryside”.It is the aim of The Watercress Way to improve access to as much of the old railway lines – the Mid-Hants and the Didcot, Newbury & Southampton - as possible.


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