Maintenance of the path in Martyr Worthy and at Worthy Down Halt

The paths on The Watercress Way need regular maintenance to keep them clear and also to improve the habitat for wildlife and to encourage wild flowers.

The trustees have a regular programme of work outside the bird nesting season.

Four trustees have been brush cutter trained by the South Downs National Park and we have the equipment to do light clearance.

Volunteers to help with raking and clearance would be very welcome.

Please contact us at

Trustees Jim and Mike have tidied the mile section in Martyr Worthy from Bridgets Lane to Old Station Road.

Hampshire County Council requested that we remove the many sycamore saplings which have sprouted in profusion.

We have also cleared a lot of brambles and small trees to keep views open and to improve access for all users.

See the video and photographs.

[video width="320" height="568" mp4=""][/video]

In mid-February volunteers from South Down National Park will be doing further work to clear any larger trees that are in danger of falling.

We have now moved on to Worth Down Halt where the Worthys Conservation Volunteers have done excellent work in clearing the platform.

We are clearing the clematis and saplings on either side of the paths.

Please contact us if there are other sections of the path you think need our attention.

Mike Collis

Secretary, The Watercress Way

Dawn to Dusk Day Events (PDF)


3 New Interpretation Boards Installed


3 Benches and a Pub Quiz